Friday, March 28, 2014

"Salt Marsh" - start to finish

I received a few questions from my first blog about the process of creating Salt Marsh. The final work was developed from multiple sketches and preliminary paintings. You can follow the process below in just a few pictures from my sketch book ...
rough drawing in my sketch book
sketch with transparent washes and dry brush details
first full sheet in progress
"boy is he fat!"
 Salt Marsh

Welcome to Page 1...

I thought I would jot down a few random thoughts about my art work and answer any questions you might have about where I get my painting ideas from, my techniques, and what's currently on the easel.

Fresh off the easel is Salt Marsh, a very transparent painting of a New Jersey Clam Digger. The first passages of this painting were done very wet and loose to give the atmospheric feeling of a late November day. Once the background washes had dried, I began laying in the details of the Clammer and his basket. The final touches were the bold shadows leading into the foreground which gave the painting a lot of depth and a sense of reflection from the receding tides.

At the recent Chadds Ford Art Show & Sale, I received some very positive comments from the folks in the heart of "Wyeth country".